With 6%, the Netherlands is ranked 3rd (after Luxemburg and Malta) with the lowest share of renewables in the energy mix in the European Union. Denmark is ranked 5th on the other end of the EC-ranking with a 30% share of renewables and the highest ranked country without a significant hydropower contribution.
Many decisions to increase the share of renewables are taken at a local or regional level, but many of these organisations do not have tools to plan the energy transition at the municipal or provincial scale. Similar energy transition decisions had to be taken in Denmark 2 or 3 decades ago. Aalborg University has been developing the EnergyPLAN Tool for advanced energy system analysis for two decades. Nowadays EnergyPLAN is a worldwide used tool to support energy system analysis and planning at all relevant scales: municipal, regional and national.
Therefore, Deltares invited Aalborg University to give a 2-day workshop on the practical use of EnergyPLAN in the Dutch context on 23-24 October in Delft, Netherlands, in order to support decisions making in the energy transition at all relevant spatial scales.