Heat Roadmap Europe
Low-carbon heating & cooling strategies for Europe
In Europe, more heat is wasted during electricity production than is needed to heat all buildings. By collecting the waste heat from both industry and electricity production and using smart district heating grids, it is possible to save all of the natural gas currently used for heating buildings in Europe. This would result in not only monetary savings, but also in a considerable CO2 emissions reduction.
This has been the focus of the Heat Roadmap Europe (HRE) study series since 2012. In the latest edition, HRE4 built evidence supporting the decarbonization of the heating and cooling sector in Europe and developed roadmaps for redesigning this sector by combining the knowledge of local waste heat conditions and potential savings with an energy system analysis.
This has been the focus of the Heat Roadmap Europe (HRE) study series since 2012. In the latest edition, HRE4 built evidence supporting the decarbonization of the heating and cooling sector in Europe and developed roadmaps for redesigning this sector by combining the knowledge of local waste heat conditions and potential savings with an energy system analysis.
Heat Roadmap Europe is a series of studies since 2012 that produced more than 50 reports and datasets
HRE4 developed strategies and guidelines for 14 EU Member states that account for 80% of heating and cooling demand.
HRE4 Scenarios show CO2 EMissions can be reduced by 86% - more than the current target for the Climate change