Heat Roadmap Europe 4 workshop at #DecarbHeat Conference

Heat Roadmap Europe 4 In Europe, more heat is wasted during electricity production than is needed to heat all buildings. Therefore, the potential for improvements in the heating sector is immense. By collecting the waste heat from both industry and electricity production and using smart district heating grids, it is...

Launch of Heat Roadmap Europe 4 Tool – Pan-European Thermal Atlas version 4.2

Heat Roadmap Europe 4 In Europe, more heat is wasted during electricity production than is needed to heat all buildings. Therefore, the potential for improvements in the heating sector is immense. By collecting the waste heat from both industry and electricity production and using smart district heating grids, it is...

3rd International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and 4th Generation District Heating

Heat Roadmap Europe 4 In Europe, more heat is wasted during electricity production than is needed to heat all buildings. Therefore, the potential for improvements in the heating sector is immense. By collecting the waste heat from both industry and electricity production and using smart district heating grids, it is...

International Workshop on High Temperature Heat Pumps

Heat Roadmap Europe 4 In Europe, more heat is wasted during electricity production than is needed to heat all buildings. Therefore, the potential for improvements in the heating sector is immense. By collecting the waste heat from both industry and electricity production and using smart district heating grids, it is...

HRE4/4DH workshop and progRESsHEAT workshop

Heat Roadmap Europe 4 In Europe, more heat is wasted during electricity production than is needed to heat all buildings. Therefore, the potential for improvements in the heating sector is immense. By collecting the waste heat from both industry and electricity production and using smart district heating grids, it is...

International District Cooling & Heating Conference

Heat Roadmap Europe 4 In Europe, more heat is wasted during electricity production than is needed to heat all buildings. Therefore, the potential for improvements in the heating sector is immense. By collecting the waste heat from both industry and electricity production and using smart district heating grids, it is...

COP23 Strategic Dialogue on Heat Synergy Regions

Heat Roadmap Europe 4 In Europe, more heat is wasted during electricity production than is needed to heat all buildings. Therefore, the potential for improvements in the heating sector is immense. By collecting the waste heat from both industry and electricity production and using smart district heating grids, it is...

CELSIUS Summit – The Power of Networks

Heat Roadmap Europe 4 In Europe, more heat is wasted during electricity production than is needed to heat all buildings. Therefore, the potential for improvements in the heating sector is immense. By collecting the waste heat from both industry and electricity production and using smart district heating grids, it is...